Tuesday, February 12, 2008


As part of my duty to the gluten-free in Minnesota, I have evaluated Bittersweet in Eagan. When looking at the products, I asked myself, "WOW, how do they make those muffins rise like that?" and then I found the answer.

Their products are not completely gluten free. If you are buying these products based on their "gluten free" ness, I recommend you re-evaluate based on these items:

1. Millet is not a gluten free flour.
Millet is actually related to rye; it has molecules that your body will recognize as gluten and you will have a celiac reaction. In addition, if you have any type of thyroid disease, this is a toxic molecule for you. Furthermore, the fields where this grain grows are mixed with wheat, barley, and rye, so the grain, itself, might be contaminated with real gluten!

2. Quinoa is not a gluten free flour.
Quinoa is actually related to barley; it has molecules that your body will recognize as gluten and you will have a celiac reaction. In addition, the pearls, themselves, are filled with toxic saponins and oxalic acid, which is not guaranteed to be removed in the preparation. Furthermore, the fields where this grain grows are mixed with wheat, barley, and rye, so the grain, itself, might be contaminated with real gluten!

3. Spelt actually IS WHEAT! DO NOT EAT IT!


5. Teff is actually mini barley and IS NOT GLUTEN FREE! DO NOT EAT IT!

4. Amaranth is not a gluten free flour, for the same reasons!

This is my warning to the wise:
Just because they say it's gluten-free, doesn't mean it is. Don't trust other people with your baked goods or intestinal track!

Watch your goodies!
The Irish Lass

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